Climate change may lead India to war: UN report

  • Posted by Unknown
  • at Tuesday, April 01, 2014 -
Asia is facing the brunt of climate change and will see severe stress on water resources and food-grain production in the future, increasing the risk of armed conflict among India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China, the latest report of a UN panel has warned.
Key messages from IPCC report 

* Coming years will see more extreme weather events (floods, cyclones, cloud bursts, unseasonal excessive rains and drought etc) in most parts of the globe 

* Maldives, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will be among the most affected countries in Asia 

* Severe stress on fresh water resources in South Asia and China (Himalayan river basins) may become a reason for armed conflict in the region by middle of the 21st century 

* Climate change may be a determining factor in national security policies 

* Coastal flooding will not only kill people and cause destruction, it will also affect tourism in India (like in Goa and Kerala) 

* Decline in foodgrain production (wheat in India/Pakistan and wheat and maize in China) 

* Big coastal cites like Mumbai and Kolkata will be affected by sea-level rise in 21st century 

* Some fish and other marine animals will face extinction by 2050, affecting fishing community 

* In many regions, changing precipitation or melting snow and ice are altering hydrological systems, affecting water resources in terms of quantity and quality 

* Glaciers (including Himalayan) continue to shrink almost worldwide due to climate change, affecting run-off and water resources downstream 

* Climate change will impact human health mainly by exacerbating health problems that already exist.


Written by Admin