WHO: Air pollution killed 7 million people in 2012

  • Posted by Unknown
  • at Tuesday, March 25, 2014 -
Air pollution killed an estimated 7 million people around the world in 2012, making it the biggest environmental health risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) said
The situation was worst in developing and emerging countries in Southern Asia, South-East Asia and East Asia, where a total of 3.3 million deaths were linked to indoor air pollution and 2.6 million to outdoor pollution
Use of wood, coal or dung for cooking is the biggest indoor polluter.
In Europe’s industrialised countries, 279,000 deaths could be traced to air pollution.
The WHO said bad air quality outside was a result of unsustainable policies in the transport, energy and waste sectors, as well as in industry.
Cleaning up the air would reduce risks, especially for vulnerable children and the elderly, the UN health body said.


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