Napolean and the French revolution,1789

  • Posted by Unknown
  • at Thursday, October 03, 2013 -
Ten years of Revolutionary Era were followed by the Napoleonic age .Therefore, the question is often asked –what is the relation between the Revolution and Napoleon, if there is one? There can be little doubt that Napoleon is bound with the Revolution in the close but complex relationship. The fact is recognized by Napoleon himself.Describing his relation with the Revolution Napoleon said, “I am the revolution” and “I destroyed the revolution”. It is also said that Napoleon is the child of the Revolution. The three statements may appear contradictory, but each one of the contains some grains of truth.
                                     When it is said that Napoleon was the child of revolution, ti means on the one hand that Napoleon was the heir of revolution. On the other hand, it means that revolutionary era produced the opportunities for Napoleon’s rise. The first Italian campaign (1796-97) placed him in top brackets of army commanders and he became a national hero over night. IN the words of famous historian C.J.H.Hayes, the important result of the first Italian campaign was, “the sudden personal fame of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was the most talked of man in France. People applauded him. The government feared but flattered him. Schemers and plotters of every political faith sought his support. Alongside of decreasing respect for the existing government was increasing trust in Bonaparte.” It is true that Napoleon could not repeat the success of Italian campaign in the Egyptian campaign that followed. But the people of France believed that the expedition had been a complete success  at a time when the government was an utter failure. When Napoleon was away, the enemies of  France had formed a second Coalition and its armies had defeated the French forces repeatedly in 1799. Hayes writes “Possibly the military hero of France had himself foreseen the situation and had intended to exploit it to his own advantage.”In Napoleon’s absence France was a defeated and disgraced nation. The people were fed up with corrupt and incompetent Directory. They were convinced that only Napoleon could save the nation. Therefore when he returned to France in October 1799, “it is small wonder that his journey from the coast to Paris was a triumphal procession.” The Revolutionary wars had created a spirit of militarism in France. Napoleon became an embodiment and heir to this spirit. He became a hero and an idol of soldiers and it was with their support that he brought about the coup dectat of 18 Burmaire i.e., November 1799. Thus Napoleon’s rise to power was due to the course which the history of France took during the era of revolution. That is why even Napoleon in his Memoirs declared himself to be true son and heir of the Revolution and that he was raised to the power by the revolutionary will of the people.
                                On one occasion Napoleon declared that he is the Revolution. In his memoirs he presented himself as the true son and heir of the revolution. This claim of Napoleon contains some grain to truth, He was the revolution because he preserved and consolidated a part of revolutionary work in France. Secondly as Hayes writes, “The Napoleonic empire was shortlived. But it had tremendous importance in spreading throughout Europe, directly or indirectly, certain noble principles which it inherited from the French Revolution.”
                                                The Fundamental principles bequeathed by the Revolution were Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Napoleon was the son of Revolution because his work and reforms preserved the principles of Equality and Fraternity in France.
                                                Napoleon preserved the principle of Equality in his reforms of legal system. He introduced a uniform civil code which treated every citizen as equal before law. Some critics say that by creating Legion of Honor. Napoleon violated the principle of equality, but they forget that Legion was not based on birth. It was open to all citizens of France and thus it also was based on equality.
                                                Napoleon was the revolution in the sense that he spread and popularized the revolutionary principle in Europe. In Italy, Germany, Spain etc. Napoleon struck at the old regime and feudal system. He introduced democratic system in these countries. The people of these countries became acquainted with ideals of Liberty and Equality. The principle o Fraternity found expression in the spirit of Nationalism which grew to oppose the French imperialism.
                                Thus, one can say that Napoleon was the Revolution because he preserve, to some extant , the gains of revolution in France and popularized the revolutionary principles throughout Europe.
                                Napoleon was also right when he declared that he destroyed the revolution. He deprived the French people of the most cherished principle of Liberty , The revolution had brought to an end the feudal dynastic rule of Bourbons and replaced it by republican form of government based on people’s sovereignty. Napoleon reintroduced dynastic and personal rule. The French republic was replaced by Napoleonic  empire . The administrative principles and structure introduced by the revolution were demolished. The concept of decentralization and institutions based on it made way for the most efficient system of centralized system of governance. The autonomy and self-government of local units of administration was thoroughly undermined. The freedom of expression and speech was curtailed and restrictions were imposed on press. Even education was brought under complete control of the state. Even the religion was brought under state control, though citizens were free to have religion of their choice. Napoleon made a very apt comment when he said, “I am the Revolution” and “I destroyed the Revolution.”


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