An organism involved in the fermentation of
toddy is ----Saccharomyces
Litmus==the acid base indicator is obtained
Phenol is used in the manufacturing of
The pulse in the human wrist beats-----at the
same rate as the heart
The human organ which is responsible for
detoxiction of alcohol is ----Liver
A geostationary satellite has a period of ----24
The concept of expanding universe is based on
------Doppler Effect
Angestrom is the unit for measuring
thewavelength of ----Light
The synthetic radioactive isotope of cobalt used
in the treatment of cancer deep inside the body is----Cobalt -60
Phylloquinone is the chemical name of ---Vitamin
Contact lenses are made from -----Polyvinyl
Photochemical smog occurs in ----Warm.dry and
sunny climate
The main ingredient of cement is -----Gypsum
Glass actually is ---Avitrified liquid.
Acute lead poisoning is also known as
The main constituent gas of LPG is -----Butane
Brass is an alloy of -------Coppper and Zinc
The most abundant inert gas in atmosphere is
The chemical name of bleaching powder is
----Calcium Hypochlorite
Amniocentosis is a method used to determine
----The foetal sex
The commonly used rat-poison is -----Zinc
Electric bulb filament is made of ------Tungsten
Indame Gas is a misture of ---Butane and Propane
Morphine and Boric Acid respectively are
---Analgesic and Antiseptic
The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the
full size image of a person is equal to -----Half the height of the person
BMD testing is done to diagnose ----Osteoporosis
Helium is preferred to hydrogen in air balloons
because ----It is less dense
Retina of the eye is comparable ot which part of
traditional camera------Film
The principle of Black Hole was enunciated by
----S. Chandrashekhar
Anosmia is -------Loss of the sense of smell
The normal function of human kidney is
----Regulation of sugar level in the blood
One of the occupational health hazards commonly
faced by the workers of ceramics, pottery and glass industry is ---Silicosis
It has been observed that astronauts lose
substantial quantity of calcium through urine during space flight. This is due
to ----Microgravity
If we sprinkle common salt on an earthworm, it
die due to ----Osmotic shock
Cutting and peelng of onions brings tears to the
eyes because of the presence of ----Sulphur in the cell
The anti—malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. The plant is ----Cinchona
The cat can survive fall from height much more
than human or any other animal.It is because the cat ---has elastic bones
Development of Goitre(enlarged thyroid gland )is
mainly due ot deficiency of------Iodine
To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which
symptom is mostly associated with----Severe persistent headache
Hypertension is the term used for ---Increase in
blood pressure
‘Biosphere Reserve Project’ is aimed at
protecting ---Flora and Fauna
‘Palak leaves’ are rich in ---Iron
Malaria is a disease which affects---Liver.