Reading Comprehension: Passage 1

  • Posted by Unknown
  • at Tuesday, October 29, 2013 -
Vishwaditya, the king of Magadh, heard that a great physician who lived in the neighbouring kingdom had invented an edible magic substance, which, if eaten with sweetmeat, would give one long life.He invited the physician through his messengers. The physician arrived with four sweetmeat balls mixed with the magic substance. The delighted king ordered his soldiers to bring a big garland made fo very attractive looking and scented flowers, and himself garlanded the physician. The physician removed the precious cloth with which he had covered the plate of sweetmeat balls. The king's joy knew no bounds at the sight of the contents fo the plate. While the physician was about to offer the sweetmeat balls to the king, the court jester rushed forward, picked up a ball and began eating it . Everyone present in the court was astonished. "Take  hold of the mad chap!" shouted the king. The kings's bodyguards did so. The half eatens sweetmeat ball fell from his hand. "How dare you touch the magic thing meant for me ? Be ready to face the consequence-death!" The jester shed tears. "No use crying", said the king. " I am crying for you, my Lord!" replied the jester."Why?" asked the king. "My lord, by eating only half of the magic thing,  I am going to die. What will happen to you when you eat the whole of the magic thing?" said the jester. The king saw sense in what the jester said. He realized his mistake of believing in such magic things. He suitably honoured the jester.
1."The king's bodyguards did so." Which of the following correctly explains 'did so' ?
(a) They snatched away the half-eaten ball.
(b) They arrested the physician.
(c) They snatched away the plate of  balls.
(d) They took hold of the physician.
(e) None of these.
2. According to the king's information, which of the following was the invention of the physician?
(a) An edible substance that was very sweet.
(b) A magic substance that would give strength.
(c) A magic substance that would reduce the life span.
(d) A substance that would postpone death.
(e) A substance that would make life miserable.
3.Which of the following statements is true in the context of the passage?
(a) The king was not moved by the jester's weeping.
(b) The sweetmeat balls balls were having wonderful power.
(c) The punishment sentenced on the jester was implemented.
(d) The physician was one of the king's own subjects.
(e) The king had realized his mistake even before the jester's act.
4. When the physician visited the court, the king:
(a)  got annoyed.
(b) was wearing a garland.
(c) became very happy.
(d) ordered him to garland his soldiers.
(e)uncovered the plate of sweetmeat balls.
5. According to the jester, what was the effect of eating of half a ball, on him?
(a)Tears in eyes.
(b)Death sentence.
(c)Longer life.
(d)Being honoured by the king.
(e)  None of these.
6. Which of the following surprised the courtiers?
(a)The physician's wonderful invention.
(b)The king's unlimited joy at the sight of the plate.
(c)The jester's wisdom of exposing the physician.
(d)The king's reaction towards the jester.
(e)The jester's act of picking up and eating a sweetmeat ball.
7. What made the jester weep with sorrow?
(a)The death sentence passed on him by the king.
(b)His concern and anxiety for the life safety of the king .
(c)The effect of the physician's invention on the lives of the people.
(d)The destruction of the half sweetmeat ball.
(e)None of these.
8.The king offered death sentence on the jester because the jester had :
(a)tried to reach the king a lesson.
(b)caught hold fo the physician.
(c) insulted the physician by his impolite act.
(d)snatched away the thing which was meant for the king.
(e)touched the magic sweetmeat ball to remove its power.
9. "He realozed his mistake of believing in such magic things." Which of hte following explains'such magic things'?
(a)Things which have miraculous power.
(b)Things which have been prepared by famous physicians.
(c)Things said to possess magic power but so not have such power.
(d) Things offered to the king to help him live longer.
(e)None of these.
10. The king honoured the jester for his act of :
(a)opening the king's eyes.
(b) committing a mistake.
(c)realizing that he was wrong.
(d)believing in false things.

(e)eating up half a sweetmeat ball.


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